Blackbook Agency: Unlock the Power of Visual Storytelling with Votion

As a strategic marketing agency, we have always been devoted to providing our clients with top-notch services and solutions to help them achieve their marketing goals. In keeping with this commitment, we have expanded our offering, creating an in-house video production department, staffed with a team of experts specialised in producing high-quality video content.

Blackbook Agency: This is our own story

Blackbook is a marketing agency specialised on strategic planning, branding, PR and digital marketing with direct access to an international network. As a trusted partner for high-end or affluent clients in the past three years, Blackbook's team of experts plans and implements marketing and communications strategies that aim to achieve both short-term and long-term goals.

A new cutting-edge offering

Employed in the real estate industry for the last 12 years, I have been lucky enough to work with some landmark projects across Cyprus. Such as the Limassol Marina, Limassol Del Mar, Landmark Nicosia, Neocleous Tower, Emerland developments, RKF Investments and many more. Many of these developments reshaped Cyprus, and others are about to change it even more.
A new cutting edge offering

Eleftheria Voskaridou at the 16th Cyprus Real Estate Conference

Blackbook Agency will be participating in the 16th edition of the Real Estate Conference, set to take place on Wednesday, June 8 at the Hilton Nicosia. The top-tier conference will gather industry leaders from across the real estate sector again this year, with a focus on covering a holistic range of market trends, as well as land and real estate development opportunities.

Η δημιουργία του Blackbook Agency είναι η απάντηση στην ανάγκη της αγοράς

Το Blackbook Agency είναι ο κατ’ επιλογήν στρατηγικός μάρκετινγκ συνεργάτης πρωτοποριακών εταιρειών, brands και destinations. Αποτελείται από μια ομάδα έμπειρων marketeers και strategists, στην Κύπρο και το εξωτερικό, που με εξατομικευμένη προσέγγιση δίνουν λύσεις και καινοτόμες ιδέες με τη ιδεολογία της ολιστικής διαχείρισης.
Blackbook Team